Friends around the world by Elena

I think the most interesting thing about going abroad is meeting new people there.
Of course we all had our exchange students and their family that we got to know but what was really
fascinating for me is that I also got to meet some other spanish people in Vigo.
You often don’t recognize how often you talk to strangers unless you have to think about it. In Vigo we had a situation where we wanted to take a group picture, but we all wanted to be in it- do we had to ask another person to take it for us. That person didn’t speak Rnglish, do we were „confronted“ with having to speak spanish spontaneously. Surprisingly, the woman understood us very well and we even had a little conversation about our exchange.
Another experience was when we had stopped at a playground to take a picture-some spanish boys came up to us and started the conversation and we ended up spending at least one or two hours there together. 

I also talked a lot with the boyfriend of my exchange student and some of her other friends that had nothing to do with the exchange and they were really interested in how my life in Germany is. Now that I’m back in Germany I sometimes still text them to keep in touch.


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