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Vigo-Art-Exchange 2017 - „Spanish Idyll or Culture Shock?“

Sun, the beach and relaxed vibes are the first things that come to mind when most of us think of spain. The eleventh-grade Art Profile and six Pupils of Spanish courses of grades eleven and ten had the possibility to get to know more about the Spanish daily life in early 2017.
The Exchange with our partner school IES Politéchnico de Vigo was supported by the EU-Program Erasmus+ and was even free of costs for the German pupils (except for the Guestgifts).
The goal was to work on different art projects in both cities (Theme: Harbour Art in the Cities Vigo and Hamburg) together with the Spanish students.
The outcomes at the same time are a proof to the EU that the support of this Exchange is worth it.
"We as `Guinea Pigs´ were well-behaved, and thats why the Program will first off proceed the next years" was stated by some of the participants. 
First we traveled with the plane to Porto and later everyone arrived at 5 o´clock in the morning in the City of Vigo. The Group was accompanied by the Teachers Mrs. Göbel and Mr. Daumann.
Barely anyone allowed the linguistic wall to stop them, the communication ran mainly in English and from time to time Mr. Daumann translated spanish speaking museum-guides.
Through the week some impressive Artworks came to life, like giant krakens made of sand or drawings of personalized Chicken (yes, you didn´t misread), and of course the large aread action painting á la Jackson Pollock.
Only three weeks later the students from Vigo arrived in Hamburg. Perhaps the weather might not have been as good and warm as in Vigo, but that didn´t stop the Spanish and the Germans from visiting the prettiest and most iconic places of Hamburg together. In school often they drew and build and all the pieces of arts were presented in an exhibition at the last day before everyone ate pizza.
Not only tears flew at the final goodbye at the airport of Hamburg but also plans were made for a reunion in the summer vacation.
Probably a big change for the German students, when they were in Vigo, were the different eating hours and the much closer relationship between teachers and pupils.
Over some cases of interesting Organisation and the one or another misleading Articles there were many positive impressions the German students got from this exchange. Of course the free time with the exchange partners and their friends and the weekends (filled with activities like Sightseeing, shopping or Stand-Up-Paddling in the Atlantic Sea) belonged to the best things about the Exchange.
 Basically everyone agrees that Vigo is a wonderful and lovely City filled with life; the artistic Projects were not just very succesful but also very fun to create, and the Time with the Spanish students was enjoyed in every way.
Big thanks also have to go to Mrs. Thiele for all the planning, to the sponsoring Program Erasmus+ for this unique possibility and to many more.

Original Text written by Julia Stang for the student newspaper "Le Wolf-Gäng" of the Wolfgang-Borchert-Gymnasium Halstenbek, translated into English by Andreas Schneider.


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