The Rollercoaster The Rollercoaster is a restaurant in the south of Hamburg, southern of the Elbe. The really good and exquisite food comes to your table by rail, after you ordered by tablet. Sometimes even with a sparkler. We went there with 10 persons. Exept from another branch in Dresden, this restaurant is unique. The "Schokofondue" On sunday afternoon, we went to Pauline's to eat the so-called "Schokofontäne". It's a fondue of melted chocolate in form of a fountain, where you dip fruit in. It exploded twice. That was the second time. The first time, we took the tablecloth away, expecting it not to happen again, but... The "Tropenaquarium" Monday, we were at the "Hagenbeck's Tropenaquarium". It's part of the zoo here in Hamburg. That's Steve. He's a manta ray.
I have to say it was tough at first because I am not used to sleep with someone near me, except from my sister or some friend but always for less than a week. It was a very exhausting week, we did a lot of things and we had so much fun, even when the situation was a little bit awkward because we didn't knew each other very well, even between us (the galician students). On the first day I had to take Maike to a chemistry lesson in the afternoon but we skipped the second one and we went with other exchange students to Castrelos and later Maike came training with me. On the second day we went to the Cíes Islands and we even got into the water, we ended very tired of walking. On the third day some of us met to go to the shops street at the city centre and to the old part of the city, then Maike and I went training. On the fourth day most of us went eating together to the mall and then went to the Castro. There we took a lot of pictures and we were listeni...
Through the exchange we noticed a lot of cultural differences between German and Spanish people in general: Germans (Spanish view): Wake up early in the morning. The school starts earlier than in Spain and they have more lessons. They are always in a hurry, for example they eat and walk very fast. They eat a lot and they don´t have timetables to eat. They don´t have to show their tickets on the public transport. They have to pay for extra sauces. It seems like they talk in an agressive way. They don´t wear their shoes when they are at home. Spanish (German view): The relationship with their teacher is closer. They clap when they are laughing. They study the night before an exam. They go to bed late. It takes them more time to eat and walk. They eat less and for breakfast they only have a coffee or cookies. The conclusion we draw of this experience is that even though there are some differences we had a lot of fun and we got along very well. We all en...
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