First impressions on German food

Currywurst (sausage with curry)
We were in Hamburg in "The Europapassage". "The Europapassage" is a big mall where many shops are. Especially there is a floor called "Food Sky", where a lot of restaurants are located. The German students showed us the "Curry Wurst". The "Curry Wurst" is traditional food from Hamburg and tastes extremely good. Before we ate it, we thought it would not fit with each other. After trying it, it was surprisingly tasteful.

Schokostreusel (chocolate sprinkles)
Even saying to put chocolate sprinkles on a bun sounds weird, trying it, sounds even worse. The Spanish exchange students refused to eat it. Then there was a victim called Leana. She was courageous enough to try it. Her face said everything! It was delicious.

Schwarzbrot (black bread)
The healthy option for normal bread is black bread. The Germans call it regular bread. It has a lot of proteins and a sticky texture. It tastes how it sounds: boring.

Franzbrötchen (roll with cinnamon)
This is the most tasteful food that the Spanish students have tried. It is typical food from Hamburg and is full of calories, but it tastes better than any other food. Despite the "Franzbrötchen" is very unhealthy, it is worth it to eat. It is made by hand in bakeries (mostly in Hamburg).

Fischbrötchen (bun with fish)
Although this was not exciting for the Spanish students, because in Vigo they have a lot of fish, it is very famous in Hamburg. There are many stalls where you can buy it and choose between many different kinds of fish.


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