Weekend activities

The Rollercoaster

The Rollercoaster is a restaurant in the south of Hamburg, southern of the Elbe. The really good and exquisite food comes to your table by rail, after you ordered by tablet. Sometimes even with a sparkler. We went there with 10 persons. Exept from another branch in Dresden, this restaurant is unique.

The "Schokofondue"

On sunday afternoon, we went to Pauline's to eat the so-called "Schokofontäne". It's a fondue of melted chocolate in form of a fountain, where you dip fruit in. It exploded twice.
That was the second time. The first time, we took the tablecloth away, expecting it not to happen again, but...

The "Tropenaquarium"

Monday, we were at the "Hagenbeck's Tropenaquarium". It's part of the zoo here in Hamburg. 

That's Steve. He's a manta ray.


  1. Oh that looks great! Now I wanna go there as well.

  2. That weekend was amazing! "The fondue atack" was the best part of eating melted chocolate hahaha.

    1. Your right! But I had everything on my face and on my clothes. What a desaster!

  3. It looks like you've had so much fun! Steve the manta ray is so cute *-*

  4. What a funny day hahahahahaha, after seeing your post i'd like to eat some chocolate <3 hope you enjoyed it!


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