Experiences by Mario

During our magnificent stay in Germany, specifically, Hamburg, we attended several arts classes in which we exchanged knowledge, techniques, skills and a long list of very interesting factors.
In these classes we carry out drawing work, such as drawing the Elba philharmonic or drawing characteristic elements that we have seen in the port of your city, calligraphy works, such as writing in different ways different titles, very plastic works, such as the representation of the port of Hamburg with pins and threads, photographic works, dye tiedye style t-shirts ...
My favorite activity was the drawing of the Elba philharmonic, since we had to use a drawing technique that I had never used before and that, after carrying out that small project, I considered using it again in the future, and also the photographic part of the general project, since it is a world that I liked and in my group we came up with truly original and cool things.
Another part that I liked about the artistic part of this exchange was the final exhibition we did. In this exhibition we include all the work we did during our stay in Hamburg and those of other years, thus being well reflected the "legacy" that has been built every time this exchange Vigo-Hamburg occurred.
This experience has become one of the best in my life. I believe that this exchange has given me many things that have made me grow as a person, and that I will remember forever. Among those things, one is the relationship I have had with the German student with whom I lived, Sarah, and the relationship I have with her nowadays. This relationship that I am talking about is really pretty. Sarah has given me many good things, and she has conveyed to me everything she is: tranquility, serenity, maturity, joy...
As a student I have learned a lot just by observing the academic way of life that they lead there. Specifying, I have relied much, above all, on the respect they have for teachers and at the same time, the good relationship they have among them within the institute.
The week of the exchange has been a very intense week, in which I felt like a small child when I was with my classmates doing various activities and in which I also felt as I grew mentally when I saw myself in situations in which I had no other .
In addition, I did not have a single problem of coexistence and I do not have a single complaint about Sarah, and, in addition, her family is lovely.
If I say that from this exchange I keep the good, I would also be saying that I am left with absolutely everything, since there was not a single bad moment, in my personal case.
To conclude, I would like to say that I would repeat this exchange many more times and that in my head the idea is to do it again. It has been a wonderful and unforgettable experience.


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