The week from the 11th to the 18th of May (The Spanish students go to Germany) by Raquel

It was a long way to Germany but I love travelling by plane, bus or whatever as long as I can listen to some music or I am sitting next to someone I can talk to.
The first night was a tough one and I slept very little and we went to the port on the first day. The second day was very exhausting because It was the first day most of us faced the challenge of going to school by bike, which we weren't really used to. After that we went in groups from the school to the city and did some challenges, it was very funny because half of us didn't go out of the boat at the stop we had to, so some groups had to split up.

Later that day some of us went to Linnea's house because it was Roi's birthday.

On the third and fourth day we did some arts and crafts, on the fifth day we went shopping and went to the miniature museum.
On the sixth day the Spanish students went to a trip to Lubek while the German students were in class, in the afternoon we had a barbecue all together at the school and then went to Jannes' house.

On the seventh day some of us went to visit the highest part of a church, the view was amazing but we were really tired. In the afternoon was the time for saying goodbye and I didn't want to come back to Vigo but at the same time I wanted to. It was very emotional.

I hope to see all the German students again. It was such a great experience and I got to know a lot of new people. I loved Germany and I hope to go there soon again.



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